Friday, June 18, 2010

yea that's for you fucktard,karma stings like a motherfucking bitch,you just wait and see(:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

wow i didn't know you are actually being called the most useless in the family if you find comfort in indulging yourself with good food,shopping with your OWN money,order MCD'S home to eat on a sunday afternoon,prefer eating other than chinese food,love dressing up and so what if you are doing okie in studies?YOU ARE STILL FUCKING USELESS,honestly,why do i study for?FOR YOu GUYS,i know you guys work really hard to put me in school,i'm trying my best to achieve better result so that i can have a better future and financially stable to look after you guys,BUT NO,according to you,i am fucking useless,why?because i am selfish and i only care about myself,seriously, i don't see the point already

Sunday, May 9, 2010

what do you call someone who drives all the way down from serdang in the middle of the night just to get his girlfriend home,stopping every few minutes by the road side/petrol station to allow her to puke her guts out and proceeded to drive around finding for herbal tea stalls to buy drinks for her so that she will feel better.after that,he drove her home and accompanied her until she fell asleep and drove back to serdang,if this is not love then what is?

i love you baby